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What’s the Connection between Oral and Overall Health?

March 4, 2014

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oral and overall healthDid you know there’s a connection between your oral health and your overall wellbeing? Many people don’t, but it’s true. Recent medical research has revealed that gum disease, a very common oral health condition, has also been connected to a variety of other health problems, including:

  • Heart disease
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Pneumonia
  • Stroke
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Diabetes
  • Pre-term birth and low birth weight

What Is Gum Disease?

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, begins with the collection of bacteria and plaque around the gum line. These irritants cause the gum line’s sensitive tissue to feel sore or to bleed when brushed with a toothbrush. Gum disease can also cause frequent bad breath (the medical term for this is halitosis).

If gum disease isn’t treated, it can cause the gum line to recede, creating pockets around the teeth. If bacteria get into these pockets, they can travel to other parts of the body. That’s how gum disease ends up influencing overall wellbeing over time.

Caring for Your Smile Every Day

You can prevent gum disease by remembering to care for your teeth every day and by seeing the dentists at Robison Dental Group twice a year for checkups and cleanings. We recommend brushing twice a day, flossing at least once a day, and using a good mouthwash to kill harmful bacteria.

Are you struggling with the symptoms of gum disease? Call Robison Dental Group in Canton today. We happily serve the dental needs of patients from Canton, Ann Arbor, Northville, Westland, and Plymouth.

Relaxing Care with Sedation Dentistry

February 14, 2014

sedation dentistryDo you avoid going to the dentist? Many people do, often because of anxiety. But skipping appointments, whether a simple checkup or a more advanced procedure, is a bad idea. In the absence of care, you could develop cavities, gum disease, or another serious oral health condition.

You don’t have to live with dental fear forever, though. Using sedation dentistry, the team at Robison Dental Group in Canton can help you have a new kind of dental experience. Instead of feeling anxious or claustrophobic, you can feel relaxed and at peace.

That’s all thanks to the power of a small pill you’ll take just before your appointment begins, an approach known as oral sedation.

A patient who uses oral sedation to overcome anxiety will come through a dental appointment with little to no memory of the individual details of the appointment. What he or she will remember is feeling comfortable and anxiety-free while receiving important care.

If you’ll be using oral sedation for the first time, keep in mind that you’ll need to have a friend or family member drive you home afterward.

Do you have questions about what’s possible with oral sedation? Call Robison Dental Group in Canton today. Our doctors are happy to answer the questions you might have about dental anxiety, sedation dentistry, and oral sedation. We offer great care to patients from Canton, Ann Arbor, Northville, Westland, and Plymouth.

Professional Teeth Whitening for Canton and Beyond

January 31, 2014

teeth whiteningAt some point, our smiles will experience some amount of staining. Popular beverages like coffee, tea, red wine, fruit juice, soda, and more can all cause stained or discolored teeth. Tobacco use can also contribute, and even aging itself.

But thankfully, you don’t have to live with staining. At Robison Dental Group, we offer teeth whitening to help you reduce the appearance of staining and restore the dazzling smile you once had. Specifically, our Canton office offers two types of teeth whitening for our patients to choose from: in-office teeth whitening and take-home teeth whitening.

In-office teeth whitening gives you fast results. If you end up choosing this option, all you have to do is sit back and relax while our Canton team whitens your teeth several shades over the course of a single visit. In-office teeth whitening is a good choice for patients who need fast results for an upcoming event, like a wedding, a graduation, a family event, or a job search.

This option isn’t right for everyone, though. For some patients, in-office teeth whitening causes sensitivity. In those cases, we might recommend a take-home teeth whitening kit. Take-home teeth whitening includes a set of bleaching trays, plus a supply of professional whitening gel. Over the course of a few days, you can whiten your teeth at home doing simple, everyday things, like reading, watching TV, or doing household chores. The process is comfortable, convenient, and delivers great results.

Do you want to learn more about our teeth whitening options? Call Robison Dental Group in Canton today for an appointment. We’re helping patients from Ann Arbor, Northville, Westland, and Plymouth achieve whiter, more beautiful smiles.

An Office that can Help Your Whole Family

January 17, 2014

general dentistryWhen picking a dental office, choosing one that can help you and your entire family is important. For one thing, you want your little one to see a dentist you already know and trust. But convenience is also important. Being able to schedule back-to-back appointments for yourself and your child will make it easier to make regular care a priority.

At Robison Dental Group, we’re happy to help adults and children alike with their important dental health needs. To do that we offer our Canton-area patients general dentistry (including orthodontics), cosmetic dentistry, and restorative dentistry.

How often should you and your child see Dr. John Robison or Dr. J.D. Robison? We recommend coming in every six months instead of just when you have a symptom you want us to check out. Common issues like tooth decay and gum disease do have symptoms, of course, but sometimes a serious issue can develop without any symptoms at all. With regular care, Drs. John and J.D. Robison can help your entire family enjoy better overall health and wellbeing, and provide early treatment for common issues if needed.

To deliver excellent care, we use several revolutionary technologies. One of those, DIAGNOdent, helps our Canton team detect decay very early on, before a visual exam would even catch it. Another early-detection tool, VELscope, helps us identify oral cancer. As with so many other oral health issues, treating oral cancer early is important. These high-tech tools are making care more comfortable but also more thorough. We will assess the current health of you and your child and come up with a treatment plan to help.

Don’t put off important dental care. Call Robison Dental Group today to schedule your next appointment with a dentist. We serve patients from Ann Arbor, Northville, Westland, and Plymouth.

Use Your Dental Benefits Before the Year Is Over

November 6, 2013

CalendarThere’s only so much time left in the year now. Do you still have dental benefits you can take advantage of? If you do, we invite you to call Robison Dental Group today to schedule one more appointment before 2013 comes to a close.

During your appointment, Dr. John Robison or Dr. J.D. Robison will assess your oral health and talk to you about whether you might benefit from extra care. If you do, your insurance may be able to help you pay for it.

Every insurance plan comes with a deductible and a yearly maximum. The deductible is what you have to pay before your insurance company will start covering the cost of care. Your yearly maximum is how much they’re willing to pay over a 12 month period.

If you’ve paid your deductible for the year but still have some of your yearly maximum left over, now is the time to take advantage of that.

Call Robison Dental Group in Canton today to schedule your appointment. Every patient should come in for regular care twice a year to ensure that they enjoy good oral health. If we have anything to recommend, we’re happy to explain how it will all work.

Time is running out! Contact us today for your appointment. Dr. John Robison and Dr. J.D. Robison serve patients from Canton, Ann Arbor, Northville, Westland, and Plymouth.

Create a Beautiful Smile with Porcelain Veneers

October 6, 2013

SmileA healthy smile is important, but so is a beautiful smile. Not only can you brighten a friend or family member’s day with one, but it can also be an asset in the business and dating world.

Unfortunately, not everyone has naturally dazzling teeth. Thankfully, with a cosmetic dentistry service like porcelain veneers from Robison Dental Group, it’s possible to achieve exactly what you’re looking for, and in a way that looks natural.

Porcelain veneers use very thin pieces of dental porcelain to hide a range of flaws, including, stains, cracks, chips, and misalignment. Through a consultation with Dr. John R. Robison or Dr. J.D. Robison, we can assess what your exact needs are and talk to you about your smile goals. Then, based on that conversation, our Canton dental team can start designing your veneers and prepping your teeth. To make porcelain veneers lie flat a small amount of enamel is removed from the front of teeth.

Using the information Dr. John Robison or Dr. J.D. Robison collects from your first appointment our lab will create a full, customized set of veneers for you. When they’re ready, you’ll come back to Robison Dental Group in Canton to have them fixed in place, completing your cosmetic treatment.

Do you want to know how your smile can benefit from porcelain veneers? Our team at Robison Dental Group can help. Call us today for a consultation. During your visit, we’ll assess your needs and explain all your options. We offer exceptional cosmetic care to patients from Canton, Ann Arbor, Northville, Westland, and Plymouth.

Acid Reflux and Your Oral Health

September 13, 2013

At some point, everyone experiences a touch of heartburn. For some, though, it’s not uncommon to have heartburn two, three, or more times a week. Cases like this are a good indication of acid reflux disease. Other common symptoms of an acid reflux condition include:

  • Bloating or burping
  • Regurgitation
  • Hiccups
  • Nausea
  • Narrowing of the esophagus
  • Weight loss
  • Bloody/black stools or bloody vomiting
  • Sore throat, hoarseness, wheezing, or dry cough

These uncomfortable or unpleasant symptoms can all have an impact on your overall wellbeing, but did you know your oral health can also be affected?

A patient who experiences acid reflux several times a week is at risk of decay and possibly worse. That’s because when acid from the stomach comes into contact with the teeth, it has a damaging effect on their protective layer of enamel. Then, as the sensitive layer of dentin underneath is exposed, this becomes a bigger and bigger problem.

Symptoms of teeth damaged by acid include:

  • Sensitivity, in particular to foods that are cold, hot, or sweet
  • Teeth that have thinned or become shorter
  • Pain or irritation
  • Teeth with sharp edges

Have you experienced any of these symptoms? Call Robison Dental Group for help. We offer effective general, cosmetic, and restorative services for patients from Canton, Ann Arbor, Northville, Westland, Plymouth, and beyond.

TMJ Headache Prevention for Canton and Beyond

August 29, 2013

Many patients experience chronic headaches without understanding what might be causing them. The surprising truth is that, often, frequent headaches—plus neck, shoulder, and back pain—are caused by a problem with your bite, labeled as TMJ syndrome.

TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint. Every patient has two, and they’re located near the ear, where your upper jaw and your lower jaw meet. These joints make it easy to open and close your mouth for eating, speaking, yawning, etc. Sometimes, though, stress or an improper bite can cause the joints to dysfunction, exposing nerve endings and resulting in your uncomfortable symptoms.

Have you experienced symptoms that you think could be related to TMJ syndrome? Dr. John R. Robison and Dr. J.D. Robinson or Robison Dental Group can help. Using some of today’s best technology, we can detect your misalignment and treat it, bringing you relief from your symptoms.

Call Robison Dental Group today to schedule an appointment with our Canton dental team. We want to help you find relief from discomfort and enjoy better oral and overall health. We offer effective TMJ therapy to patients from Ann Arbor, Northville, Westland, Plymouth, and beyond.

The Benefit of Antioxidants

July 31, 2013

For today’s post, we’d like to talk about something that is only tangentially related to oral health, but is related nonetheless—antioxidants.

You may have heard that antioxidants are good for your health, but do you understand why? Our guess is that most people don’t. Here’s why they’re important.

First, you have to understand that within the molecules that make up your body, there are atoms, each containing two positive protons and two neutral electrons. However, because of stress, poor eating, or environmental factors like pollution, it’s possible for an individual atom to lose an electron, causing it to become unstable. When that happens, the destabilized atom, known as a “free radical,” will try to steal an electron from a nearby atom, causing a chain reaction. This is what’s happening when we talk about the oxidation process.

If the oxidation process isn’t treated in some way, it can contribute to a variety of health problems, including:

  • Cancer
  • Gingivitis
  • Diabetes
  • Heart attack

Thankfully, that process can be stopped with antioxidants. The reason antioxidants are able is help is because they have an extra electron that they can lend to these unstable “free radicals.” But where can you find antioxidants? In all kinds of places, including coffee and green tea, fruits and veggies, legumes and seeds, and more. To effectively combat oxidation, we recommend having anywhere between five and nine servings of antioxidants a day.

Do you have questions about how antioxidants work, or do you just need to schedule an appointment with our Canton dental office? Call Robison Dental Group today to set up an appointment with Dr. John R. Robison or Dr. J.D. Robison. We serve patients from Canton, Ann Arbor, Northville, Westland, and Plymouth.

The Anti-Aging Benefit of Teeth Whitening

July 18, 2013

Drinks like coffee, tea, red wine, soda, and fruit juice are commonly cited for causing teeth stains, but there’s more to staining than any of these. Aging is another big factor. But unlike other common causes of staining, aging isn’t something that can be avoided.

Still, with a cosmetic dentistry service like teeth whitening, there’s a way around this type of staining, one that will improve confidence. But that’s not all. With your whiter, brighter smile, you can also turn back the clock on your appearance, enjoying wonderful anti-aging benefits.

At Robison Dental Group, your Canton cosmetic dentistsDr. John R. Robison and Dr. J.D. Robison—offer two teeth whitening options for patients to take advantage of.

The first option, in-office whitening, takes just a single appointment to complete and allows you to sit back and relax in our comfortable office. The second option, take-home whitening, lets you do it all on your own schedule, while you’re cleaning the house, watching TV, reading, or any number of other things.

But which of these teeth whitening options is right for you?

If you’d like to learn more about teeth whitening in general, or you’d like to see which option might be best for you, call Robison Dental Group today. We’re happy to offer cosmetic care to patients from Canton, Ann Arbor, Northville, Westland, and Plymouth.

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