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Smile Renewing Full-Mouth Reconstruction

August 19, 2017

patient receive full mouth reconstruction treatmentWhen the worst happens, you might not immediately think about how to repair or replace what’s lost. Traumatic injuries and emergencies are frightening, painful, and stressful. It’s no surprise that many people in the midst of these issues don’t think they’ll ever smile again, especially those whose smiles are part of the problem. Following severe facial damage, complete tooth loss, or other serious oral health issues, you may need to consider full-mouth reconstruction. These personalized restorative dentistry plans help patients regain the confidence to share their smiles every day.

Dental Health and Your Diet

October 15, 2014

176800322What you choose to eat and drink everyday has a significant effect on the health of your teeth and gums. Even with a proper dental care routine, consuming excessive amounts of foods that are bad for your teeth can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Make an appointment with Dr. Robison today to maintain your good dental health. Robison Dental Group proudly serves patients throughout Canton, MI and the nearby communities of Ann Arbor, Northville, Westland and Plymouth.

Dental Health Boosters

  • Calcium Rich Foods– Consuming at least 1000mg daily of high calcium foods like milk, cheese, yogurt,  fish, kale and broccoli can help you maintain strong teeth and jaw bone.
  • Vitamin C Rich Foods– Eating one piece of citrus fruit daily like oranges, grapefruits, tangerines or kiwi can help to protect you from developing gingivitis as the vitamin C in these fruits helps the body repair tissues and fight off infection.
  • Tea and Tap Water– While drinking too much tea may stain your teeth, studies have shown that chemicals in black tea can reduce the growth of cavity-causing bacteria in dental plaque. Tap water contains fluoride, the same ingredient we use in our toothpastes to prevent tooth decay.

Dental Health Attackers

  • Dried Fruits- They are both full of sugar and sticky. Unlike regular fruits, they don’t help you produce the amount of saliva needed to wash the sugar away from your teeth. They can also get stuck in hard to clean areas of your mouth which promotes bacteria growth and in turn, tooth decay.
  • Sugary Drinks- This includes sodas, diet sodas, juices and sports drinks like Gatorade. Consuming these drinks bathes your teeth in acid that wears away the enamel. Consider cutting back on these drinks or at least using a straw to reduce the amount of acid hitting your teeth.
  • Alcohol and Coffee- Excessive amounts of alcohol can decrease the natural amount of saliva in your mouth which promotes bacteria growth. Alcohol can also irritate your gum tissues. Coffee can make your teeth sticky, allowing plaque to build up and making them harder to keep clean.

Dental Health Solutions in Canton, MI

Moderation is the key to developing dietary habits that protect your dental health. You can be proactive with your dental care by consciously incorporating foods that promote healthy teeth and gums and cutting back on those that don’t. If you are concerned about how your diet is affecting your dental health, make an appointment with Dr. Robison today to discuss your concerns. Robison Dental Group proudly serves patients throughout Canton, MI and the nearby communities of Ann Arbor, Northville, Westland and Plymouth.

What Causes Tooth Decay and How Is It Treated?

September 27, 2013

In our last post, we talked about the powerful effect stomach acid can have on teeth. Most cases of decay aren’t caused by stomach acid, though. Instead, when most patients experience tooth decay, it’s the result of bacteria and plaque. Bacteria reacts to many foods—especially foods high in sugar—by producing acid, which leads to more bacteria and more acid, resulting in an environment harmful to teeth.

What’s more, the buildup of bacteria, plaque, and acid also contributes to gum disease. As one of the most common oral health conditions a patient can face, gum disease can have a dramatic effect on one’s oral health (it’s the most common cause of tooth loss in adults)

Thankfully, Dr. John R. Robison and Dr. J.D. Robison offer care for both tooth decay and gum disease. With services like composite fillings and porcelain crowns, plus periodontal therapy, our Canton dental team can provide effective care against both.

We also recommend coming to Robison Dental Group twice a year for checkups and cleanings. Though we offer these great general and restorative services, regular checkups and cleanings are designed to prevent the most common oral health conditions from forming in the first place.

During your visit we can also offer home care tips that will help you protect your smile in between visits to our Canton dental office. We recommend brushing at least twice a day and flossing at least once. You may also benefit from an antibacterial or fluoride mouthwash.

Has it been more than six months since your last checkup? Call Robison Dental Group for an appointment. We serve patients from Canton, Ann Arbor, Northville, Westland, Plymouth, and beyond.

TMJ Headache Prevention for Canton and Beyond

August 29, 2013

Many patients experience chronic headaches without understanding what might be causing them. The surprising truth is that, often, frequent headaches—plus neck, shoulder, and back pain—are caused by a problem with your bite, labeled as TMJ syndrome.

TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint. Every patient has two, and they’re located near the ear, where your upper jaw and your lower jaw meet. These joints make it easy to open and close your mouth for eating, speaking, yawning, etc. Sometimes, though, stress or an improper bite can cause the joints to dysfunction, exposing nerve endings and resulting in your uncomfortable symptoms.

Have you experienced symptoms that you think could be related to TMJ syndrome? Dr. John R. Robison and Dr. J.D. Robinson or Robison Dental Group can help. Using some of today’s best technology, we can detect your misalignment and treat it, bringing you relief from your symptoms.

Call Robison Dental Group today to schedule an appointment with our Canton dental team. We want to help you find relief from discomfort and enjoy better oral and overall health. We offer effective TMJ therapy to patients from Ann Arbor, Northville, Westland, Plymouth, and beyond.

Improve the Appearance and Functionality of Your Smile with Full-Mouth Reconstruction

August 15, 2013

For patients who avoid smiling because of how their teeth look, a full-mouth reconstruction from Robison Dental Group can help you improve how your smile looks and how it functions. Like a smile makeover, a full-mouth reconstruction combines multiple services into one customized plan.

Some of the services most often included in a full-mouth reconstruction include:

But how can you know which services are right for you? Dr. John R. Robison and Dr. J.D. Robison will help through a consultation appointment at their Canton dental office.

What does a consultation visit involve?

A consultation begins with your Canton doctor taking a close look at your teeth and gums to see what your needs are. Also involved is a conversation with you about how you’d like us to help you. What our Canton team is trying to understand with all of this is your medical history, your needs, and your goals going forward. Then, we’ll take all that and put together a treatment plan that’s completely customized. After all, not every patient has the same needs.

Do you want to learn more about full-mouth reconstructions? Call Robison Dental Group today to reserve an appointment with our Canton dental office. We provide excellent general, cosmetic, and restorative care to patients from Ann Arbor, Northville, Westland, Plymouth, and beyond.

Five Reasons to Smile Everyday

July 15, 2013

When you smile, you’re sending a strong signal to others. For instance, a smile can tell someone that you’re friendly and approachable. It can also tell someone else that they’re appreciated, or that you enjoy their company. Smiling isn’t just a way of communicating, though. This simple act has other far-reaching benefits. In today’s post, we’d like to highlight five of the biggest so that you have even more reasons to smile every day.

Reason #1

In medical research, it’s been found that smiling can have a positive effect on your blood pressure by lowering it.

Reason #2

Smiling produces more antibodies and white blood cells, which helps your immune system stay strong in the face of colds and other issues.

Reason #3

According to research conducted by the University of Illinois, people who are happier, and who smile more as a result,  live almost 10 years longer.

Reason #4

Smiling releases the feel-good hormones known as endorphins, as well as serotonin, a natural stress-reducer.

Reason #5

DePauw University in Indiana found that people who smile consistently reported having a healthier marriage than those who don’t.

What’s keeping you from smiling? Is it misaligned or stained teeth? Or do you possibly have gaps in your smile that you’re trying to hide? At Robison Dental Group, our team can help. We offer effective general, cosmetic, and restorative services. Call us today to reserve a consultation appointment with Dr. John Robison or Dr. J.D. Robison. We serve patients from Canton, Ann Arbor, Northville, Westland, Plymouth, and beyond.

How Long Do I Need to Wear My Invisalign Braces Each Day?

July 1, 2013

If you’ve researched Invisalign, you know that the aligners you’ll wear are removable. But does that mean you need to wear them all day long?

That will depend in part on the personal instructions you receive from Dr. John Robison or Dr. J.D. Robison. In general, though, the answer to that question is yes.

For Invisalign to work efficiently, pressure needs to be applied to teeth for at least 22 hours a day. So, when should you take your aligners out? To eat or drink, and for brushing and flossing. As a result, Invisalign lets you enjoy the same kind of diet you enjoyed before you started treatment. Plus, by taking your aligners out for brushing and flossing, patients are able to clean parts of their smile that would be harder to clean with bracket-and-wire braces.

In some cases, you may be able to take your aligners out for special events. This might include a night out with friends or a special date. But to achieve the results you want in the average treatment time of 12-18 months, it’s best to wear your aligners for the recommended amount of time each day.

Do you want to learn more about how Invisalign can help you enjoy a straighter smile without the need or metal brackets or wires? Call Robison Dental Group to schedule a consultation with Dr. John Robison or Dr. J.D. Robison.  Our dental team serves patients from Canton, Ann Arbor, Northville, Westland, Plymouth, and beyond.

Periodontal Disease and Gum Health

December 13, 2012

gum diseasePeriodontal disease is a serious dental health concern. Here at Robison Dental Group we’re committed to checking you for signs of this disease at every appointment. This is yet another reason why it’s very important that you see us twice a year for your regular check up.

A common form of periodontal disease is gingivitis, or inflammation of the gums. Gingivitis is caused by a buildup of plaque and tartar left on the teeth. After a while, they will irritate the gums. If left untreated, gingivitis can develop into periodontitis, where the gums start to pull away from the teeth and infected pockets develop.

Drs. John and J.D. Robison provide periodontal therapy to help treat this condition. We have a non-surgical treatment available to help remove plaque and tartar from your teeth. Your gums will go from being swollen and bleeding to a nice, healthy pink color. But first, our doctors will meet with you and create a customized treatment plan to get your gums healthy again!

Some general signs that you might have gingivitis include swollen and bleeding gums, and chronic bad breath. If you’re concerned about the health of your gums, give us a call, we’d love to help you!

If you’re interested in learning more about periodontal disease, call our Canton office today! At Robison Dental Group we’re committed to providing quality oral care to our patients from Canton, Ann Arbor, Northville, Westland and Plymouth!

Contemporary Restorative Care for Canton-Area Patients

August 14, 2012

At some point, every smile will need restorative help of some kind, even if it’s just a small filling. That’s why our doctors and team members at Robison Dental Group of Canton have made providing great restorative dental care a top priority. With our popular and effective services we can help patients from all surrounding areas enjoy improved functionality and confidence.

Our Canton-area restorative dentistry services include:

Not sure which of these services you might need, though? You don’t have to figure out that out on your own; that’s why we’re here! Through a simple but compassionate consultation visit with Dr. John R. Robison or Dr. J.D. Robison, we can help you decide which restorative dentistry option is most right for you.

After we’ve helped you choose a restorative dentistry service, we can work with you to put together a plan that works with your schedule and brings you closer and closer to your goal of having a more functional smile that is also more attractive and inviting.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

If you’re ready to create a new smile, call our Canton dental office today. We proudly serve patients from Ann Arbor, Northville, Westland, and Plymouth with great general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry.