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Surprising Medical Conditions Your Dentist Can Spot

February 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — robisondental @ 1:59 am

Dentist looking in woman’s mouthYou know that regular dental care is essential for keeping your mouth healthy. A cleaning and checkup every 6 months allows your dentist to monitor your oral health to detect anything concerning early, like enamel loss or gum inflammation. Did you know that your oral health and general wellness are connected? Various dental problems can affect your health. However, certain medical conditions can also affect your mouth. Here are a few medical conditions your dentist can spot during your semi-annual cleaning and checkup.


More than 3 million people are diagnosed with anemia every year, which is insufficient red blood cells. This can affect how your body distributes oxygen. You can experience several symptoms, like rapid heart rate, dizziness, and fatigue. 

Your dentist can see signs of anemia in your mouth. It can make the inside of the mouth a light shade of pink. 

Crohn’s Disease

200,000 Americans are diagnosed with Crohn’s disease annually. It’s a contributor to irritable bowel syndrome, which can cause a variety of symptoms, like abdominal pain. Signs of the autoimmune disorder can also affect your mouth. Swollen lips or dime-sized ulcers can be a symptom of untreated Crohn’s disease.


34 million Americans have diabetes and another 84 million adults in the US are prediabetic. Unfortunately, 90% of cases will not be diagnosed. Without treatment, diabetes can cause skin infections, sleep apnea, hearing loss, and high blood pressure. It can also increase your risk of infections, including gum disease, which is a leading cause of tooth loss. In addition, gum disease is also connected to an increased risk of diabetes. Both conditions can be difficult to manage with no treatment. Your dentist can keep your gums healthy to help you manage diabetes.


Osteoporosis can affect anyone, but postmenopausal women are most at risk. The condition causes weak bones from low density. This can increase your risk of broken or fractured bones. Complications from the condition can also appear in your mouth, like loose teeth. Your dentist can detect bone loss early to help prevent missing teeth.

Regular dental care is just as important as brushing and flossing. Your dentist will create a personalized treatment plan that supports your oral health and wellness. Don’t forget to brush your teeth at least twice per day and floss daily to support a healthy smile. If you notice any changes to your dental health between regular appointments, don’t wait to contact your dentist.

About Dr. J.D. Robison

Dr. Robison studied at Purdue University, the University of Michigan, and the University of Detroit Mercy. He has also completed additional training at the Dawson Center for Advanced Dental Studies. He provides complete dental care under one roof. Request an appointment through his website or call his office at (734) 292-8583.

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