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How Proper Dental Care Can Help Children at School

August 22, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — robisondental @ 4:49 pm
mother and child visit dentist in Canton

With the new school year just around the corner, you’re open to any ways to positively impact your child’s performance. You may be surprised to find out that the condition of his or her oral health can play a significant role in the learning process. Here’s what a dentist in Canton tells his patients to do to get the best results!

What the Data Shows

Years ago, the online periodical, PubMed, published an article showing data related to school performance and dental care. Researchers concluded that “preventing and treating dental problems and improving dental health may benefit child academic achievement and cognitive and psychological development.”

The researchers concluded that students with poor dental health were more likely to demonstrate the following characteristics:

  • To be less likely to complete assigned homework on time
  • To be more prone to have behavioral problems at school
  • To be prone to school absences, missing – on average – one more day per year than their peers

The good news is that you can take steps to ensure that your child has the most positive experiences possible. It starts with placing a priority on dental hygiene and maintaining regular visits to your local dentist.

Healthy Trends to Establish This Summer

Instead of waiting until the new school year gets underway, now is the time to take action. Here are some effective measures that you can take before summer’s end:

Set-up a Back-to-School Schedule

Like most children, your child may not be too excited about having to wake-up earlier. But this is an excellent way to instill good dental hygiene habits that will carry over into the school year. You can have your child brush and floss in the morning and then at night before going to bed.

Make Dental Hygiene Fun

Does your child have a favorite television or movie character? If so, you can take a shopping trip to your local retailer to purchase a toothbrush and floss that feature the personality. This is a simple way to make dental hygiene a more anticipated activity.

Stay Engaged

The more involved you are with your child’s dental hygiene, the better the results will be. Not only will it allow you to monitor his or her technique, but it will also provide the level of attention that your little one needs.

The Perfect Time for a Dental Appointment

If you want to have the peace-of-mind of knowing the condition of your child’s oral health before the upcoming semester gets underway, then now is the perfect time to schedule an end-of-summer visit with your local children’s dentist. With the right strategy and execution, your child can experience the absolute best in oral health and academic performance!

About the Author

Dr. J.D. Robison earned his dental degree from the University of Detroit Mercy. A consummate learner, he has completed several hours of continuing education throughout his career, allowing him to provide well-rounded care to patients of all ages. Dr. Robison offers end-of-summer dental checkups at Robison Dental Group, and he can be reached for more information or to schedule a visit through his website.

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