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Cosmetic Dentistry Can Take Years Off Your Smile – Here’s How

August 10, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — robisondental @ 5:52 pm
older woman smiling

Have you recently realized just how much your smile has changed over the years? Don’t worry – you’re not alone. It’s common for middle-aged adults and seniors to feel self-conscious about the wear-and-tear their teeth have gone through over time. Even if you take excellent care of your pearly whites, you will still have problems with them as you age. Luckily, your cosmetic dentist in Canton can address your concerns and restore a youthful appearance! Read on to learn how cosmetic dentistry can make you look younger.

How Does Aging Affect Oral Health?

The effects of aging are unavoidable, even if you do all the right things. Two dental problems that you can expect as you get older are discoloration and tooth wear. Over the years, thinning can leave the enamel looking grayish and lackluster. Chewing and grinding your teeth every day can also wear down your enamel. Most older adults have teeth that are fragile, worn-down, crooked, dingy, or yellow. Although you can’t prevent these issues, you can certainly counteract them!

How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Make You Look Younger

Are you unhappy with your smile? Your cosmetic dentist can take years off of it with one of the following cosmetic dental treatments:

Porcelain Veneers

Do you have several flaws you want to correct all at once? You might want to consider porcelain veneers. The thin ceramic shells are bonded to the front surfaces of teeth, disguising any imperfection from view. They can fix chipped or broken teeth, misalignment, severe discoloration, and gaps. In as little as two appointments, you can have a youthful smile once again!

Metal-Free Restorations

If you have damaged or decayed teeth, you are no longer limited to choosing between silver or gold crowns. Although the materials are effective, they’re highly noticeable every time you eat, speak, or smile. Thankfully, modern crowns and bridges are made of 100% dental porcelain, meaning you can enjoy improved oral health and a natural-looking appearance! With metal-free restorations, no one will even notice your dental work!

Cosmetic Bonding

Cosmetic bonding is the perfect solution for patients with minor flaws like chips and cracks. Your dentist will apply a small amount of composite resin to the flawed tooth, molding it to improve its shape, size, and even color. The treatment takes about an hour to complete, meaning it could be performed during your lunch break! Although results are instant, your new grin can last several years with proper dental care.

Teeth Whitening

It’s hard (and maybe even downright impossible) to keep your teeth white over time. Years of drinking coffee, wine, tea, and soda can lead to a darker grin. Luckily, professional teeth whitening treatment can make your pearly whites dramatically brighter in no time! An in-office procedure can give you a whiter smile in just one hour. However, you can also opt for a take-home kit and achieve the same results from the comfort of your home after two weeks.

Don’t let the effects of aging prevent you from smiling. Ask your cosmetic dentist about their options. With just one treatment, you’ll be beaming with confidence once again!

About the Practice

At Robison Dental Group, we provide state-of-the-art, compassionate, reliable dental care that is bound to exceed even your highest expectations. We want to help you achieve and maintain a smile you’ll never stop showing off! If you’re unhappy with your teeth, our cosmetic dentist can fix them and make you look younger with cosmetic dentistry. Visit our website or call (734) 453-6320 to get more information on our services.

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